sexta-feira, 3 de maio de 2024

Some notes on my recent reading in game design

Last week, I completed reading The Game Designer's Playlist: Innovative Games Every Game Designer Needs to Play by Zack Hiwiller. This book proved to be particularly engaging due to its innovative "playlist" approach. The format functions as a comprehensive compendium, showcasing the rich variety within the field of gaming.

I have extracted two key points from the book that I intend to utilise in a future article. These points are outlined below.

The element that separates games from other art forms is its requirement of audience participation. No game exists in a bubble distinct from its consumption by players. Although more traditional media need to consider the social and cultural framework in which the media will be consumed and interpreted, game authors also have to consider how the consumers will interact with the media itself. Authors generally are not concerned with how quickly the reader reads; musicians don’t generally concern themselves with the specs of the listener’s stereo. But game designers need to consider the actual act of playing as an element of their art. It is in the act of playing itself that games are uniquely qualified to deliver meaning. P.69


As we discussed in the previous chapter, one of the features of games that positions them in a different space from its more static media brethren is that the interactive nature of games opens the doors to new rhetorical and aesthetic effects stemming from that interactivity. A game can be beautiful aesthetically, but it can also be beautiful in how its systems function. P.86

We remain steadfast in our dedication to expanding our knowledge and expertise in this field. 🎮 🎲 😀

Source: HIWILLER, Zack. The game designer’s playlist: innovative games every game designer needs to play. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2019.


segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2024

VVVVVV a masterclass in level design

I'm reading the book "Game Designer's Playlist, The: Innovative Games Every Game Designer Needs to Play". During the reading, I had the opportunity to rememeber a great game from the 2010: VVVVVV. VVVVVV is a platforming game with the absence of a jumping mechanic. Instead of jumping, the player can at any time flip the y-direction of gravity, causing the character to fall upward instead of downward. Check the full gameplay below. This is an epic example of how to use game mechanics in a creative way:


terça-feira, 2 de abril de 2024

From ancient games to modern mathematics: the birth of probability theory

The seeds of probability theory were sown in the fertile ground of games of chance. Archaeological evidence suggests that dice and other rudimentary games employing randomness date back to ancient civilizations, possibly even predating written records. Early references to such games can be found in historical and mythological accounts, hinting at their deep integration into various cultures.

It was the desire to quantify the uncertainty inherent in these games that spurred the development of probabilistic concepts. A pivotal moment occurred in the 17th century when a gambling dispute between French mathematicians ignited a correspondence that laid the groundwork for modern probability theory. This exchange, primarily between Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat, addressed the fair division of stakes in an interrupted game, prompting them to formalize ideas of expected value and chance outcomes.

Following these initial explorations, mathematicians like Christiaan Huygens built upon this foundation, establishing frameworks for analyzing games of chance and laying the groundwork for the wider application of probability in various scientific disciplines. The journey from rudimentary games to sophisticated mathematical concepts highlights the enduring human fascination with both chance and the quest to understand it.

Source: JOHNSON, Steven. How We Got to Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World. New York: Riverhead Books, 2016.


sexta-feira, 1 de março de 2024

Unveiling the iterative design cycle: a cornerstone of game development

Within the domain of game design, iteration cycles represent a cyclical development process employed to refine and enhance a game concept throughout its creation. This approach stands in stark contrast to the linear "waterfall" method, where distinct stages, from ideation to implementation, are completed sequentially with limited room for feedback and adaptation.

Each iteration cycle in game design encompasses a series of well-defined stages: prototyping, playtesting, analysis, and iteration. The initial stage involves the creation of a playable prototype, a rudimentary representation of the game's core mechanics and features. This prototype then undergoes playtesting, where players interact with it and provide feedback on its strengths and weaknesses.

The gathered feedback is meticulously analyzed by the development team to identify areas for improvement. This analysis focuses on aspects like gameplay mechanics, user experience, and overall enjoyment. Based on the analysis, the team then embarks on the iteration stage, where they implement modifications and enhancements to the game based on the collected feedback. This cycle of prototyping, playtesting, analysis, and iteration continues iteratively until the desired level of quality and player satisfaction is achieved.

The iterative nature of game design allows for continuous refinement, enabling developers to adapt and improve their game based on real-world player experience. This approach fosters a dynamic development process, ultimately leading to a more polished and engaging final product.


segunda-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2024

Meta-gaming: transcending the rules in competitive games

In competitive gaming, the concept of "meta-gaming" transcends the basic rules and mechanics of the game itself. It involves understanding and manipulating factors external to the game to gain an advantage or create a deeper gaming experience.

For avid gamers, the term "meta-gaming" is likely familiar. This post delves into the concept of meta-gaming in the context of competitive gaming, defining it as a layer of gameplay that exists beyond the game's core rules and mechanics. Meta-gaming involves understanding and manipulating external factors to enhance the gaming experience or gain an advantage over opponents. League of Legends, Counterstrike, Call of Duty, Marvel Snap, Magic: the Gathering, Pokémon Card Game, Hearthstone, and many other competitive games serve as excellent examples we can use to understand the factors that shape a metagame.

Let’s check some examples of meta-gaming:

• Data analysis: players can leverage statistics related to characters, maps, strategies, and other game elements to identify the most effective approaches.

• Community engagement: players can engage in online communities to discuss strategies, share information, and coordinate actions, fostering a collaborative and social gaming experience.

• Psychological warfare: players can employ techniques such as bluffing, intimidation, or manipulation to influence their opponents' behavior, adding a layer of psychological complexity to the game.

• Cultural creation: players can contribute to the game's cultural landscape by creating memes, stories, and other creative content, expanding the game's universe, and enriching the overall experience.

The meta-game represents a complex and dynamic layer that can enrich the gaming experience in various ways. By understanding and exploring the meta-game, players can enhance their skills, creativity, and engagement with their favorite games. Furthermore, meta-gaming can foster collaboration and social interaction among players, transforming the competitive landscape into a vibrant and dynamic community.


terça-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2024

Game Mechanics & Game Dynamics

The difference between game mechanics and game dynamics might seem like a subtle trick, but itis all about the engine driving the experience. Think of mechanics as the gears and pistons; they are the tangible elements and rules players directly interact with, setting the game in motion. Dynamics, on the other hand, are the invisible forces powering the emotional journey – the why behind the how.

To clarify, let's delve into some examples of mechanics:

• Puzzle and enigma: games like Gorogoa, Chants of Sennaar, The Witness, The Pedestrian, and The Last Campfire showcase how intricate puzzles mechanics weave compelling narratives and test our deductive prowess.
• Shooting: from the extreme need of aim of Call of Duty to the intimate battles in Last of Us or the retro thrills of Blazing Chrome, different shooter types offer distinct challenges for trigger-happy players who like to hit targets with precision.
• Jump and dexterity: Super Meat Boy, Celeste, Dandara – these classics prove that mastering precise jumps and fluid movements can be its own reward, testing our reflexes and spatial awareness.

Remember, a game isn't confined to a single mechanic. Just like Super Mario Bros. (the classic one from NES) mixes jumping with power-ups and fire blasts, game designers can blend genres and gameplay styles to create unique experiences.

Now, let's explore the dynamic forces these mechanics - potentially - unleash:

• Competitive spirit: whether striving for personal bests or outsmarting rivals, the thrill of competition ignites passion and fuels perseverance.
• Collaborative camaraderie: Working together to overcome challenges, solve puzzles, or achieve shared goals fosters teamwork and strengthens bonds in cooperative games.
• Progression's ladder: Witnessing our skills improve, levels conquer, and stories unfold fuels a sense of accomplishment and keeps us invested in the journey.
• Immersion's embrace: When environments come alive, narratives captivate, and characters feel real, a game transcends into a world we're completely absorbed in.

Let's take as an example the classic Super Mario Bros. mentioned before. Jumping on goombas (the small enemy mushrooms) and use the "fire flower" power-up to shot are mechanics, the tools you wield. But the triumphant rush of reaching the flagpole or the gut-wrenching frustration of falling into a pit – those are dynamics, the emotional echoes of your play.

In a nutshell, mechanics are the instruments, and dynamics are the symphony (wow, that sounded beautiful 😀). A good game strikes a harmonious balance between the two, offering players not just challenges to overcome but captivating experiences to cherish.

Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. A single mechanic can spark a spectrum of emotions, different players interpret dynamics uniquely, and mastering the art of balancing these elements is what separates good games from truly unforgettable ones.

So, the next time you delve into a captivating game, take a moment to appreciate the intricate interplay of mechanics and dynamics – the invisible engine driving the magic behind your controller.


segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2024