domingo, 21 de julho de 2024

NEW LEVEL ACHIEVED: I visited the Rovio Studios in Helsinki (Finland)

July was a month full of good stuff! I started my second post-doctoral research in my new academic house, PUC (São Paulo). I’m studying the acquisition of digital goods and social belongings using the game Marvel Snap as the main subject.

For the project’s kickoff, I traveled to Europe to achieve some missions. First, I was talking with some specialists from Paneurópska Vysoká Škola (Bratislava) about my project’s theme. And, to complete this first step, I’ve already interviewed some people for the initial clues of my project.

However, the second mission achieved was an epic win: last week I visited Rovio Studios in Helsinki. Of course you know Rovio, it’s the studio behind the Angry Birds game. My Brazilian friend Cenildon Muradi (a.k.a. Thunder) works in the studio and made this visit possible.

The place is awesome and, of course, ludic. But, I want to highlight that spending one day in Rovio Studios was a master class of game design, business models, and marketing.

I’m returning to Brazil full of ideas to write in my project. I’ll post news very soon here.

Keep following!


segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2024

Jenova Chen's nugget of wisdom on game design

Today I want to share a brief quote from Jenova Chen, from ThatGameCompany.Jenova Chen is known for creating games that focus on emotional experiences rather than traditional competition. His work has been critically acclaimed and has helped shape the video game industry's approach to storytelling and emotional engagement - and, this is one phrase from him that I use a lot in my game designing classes:

"The purpose of a game is not to win. It's to experience emotions."

Source: Interview with Kill Screen Magazine.
