Let me share an example from a card game I'm currently developing. It uses trick-taking mechanics with a food theme. The AI I'm working with is Google's Gemini (formerly Bard). Here are some prompts and commands I've found valuable in this project:
1. Gauging AI Knowledge: I began by assessing Gemini's knowledge of trick-taking mechanics. I asked, "How familiar are you with trick-taking mechanics in card games?" The response was positive, and the AI provided several examples within this category.
2. Visualizing Game Mechanics: To help the AI understand the gameplay flow, I shared a sequence of images depicting the activity loop of each round, presented in a comic book format. I phrased it like this: "I'd like to show you a sequence of my game in comic panels. Can you tell me if you understand how a round works?"
3. Asking Specific Questions: Instead of open-ended prompts, I focused on specific goals. For example, regarding card distribution, I asked: "Based on the core mechanics I've shown you, can you suggest a better way to distribute cards in my game to create a balanced experience for players?"
It's important to remember that AI isn't a magic solution. The first suggestion Gemini provided needed some refinement. However, through further prompts and iterations, I arrived at a more viable structure for my game.
Next Steps: The next step is to create a simple prototype for initial beta testing. Player feedback will be crucial for further refinement.
Overall, AI presents a powerful tool that can assist with various aspects of game development, including balancing, code, narrative, and concept ideas.